
Infyrno spearheads advanced technology concepts in several verticals:

Air and Missile Defense

Developing ML-based targeting optimization and predictive maintenance solutions for the Rapid AIr Defender for Enhanced Readiness (RAIDER). A partnership with aerospace company Interorbital Systems to assist in developing their ultra-low-cost, highly reliable NEPTUNE rocket variants for an anti-air interceptor role. Both ML systems development and technology concept spearheading.

Action-Driven Team Science

Intense 4-year R&D with the Army Research Institute & University of Central Florida for an AI tool for effective team composition. Machine learning tool development in parallel to a large scientific research effort, requiring a high degree of interdisciplinary R&D integration.

Predictive maintenance for rocket engines

Diagnostic tool development for the NEPTUNE rocket series to assess likelihood of emerging faults for preemptive maintenance.

Physics-Informed Machine Learning

